
Kilimanjaro Climb for Safe Water

Join us for the expedition of a lifetime.

Review Portrait

“It was an incredible experience.”

— Tony Valente, Kili 2016 Team
  • Overview

  • Details

  • Cause

  • Reviews

  • FAQ


Every two minutes, a child dies from a preventable water-related disease. Climb Kilimanjaro for charity, and you can help change that!

It’s more than climbing a mountain. Summit Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak in Africa, and provide safe water to an entire region. You’ll help create lasting change for generations to come. Contact a Lifewater representative to learn more today.

Get ready for the expedition of a lifetime.


WHEN: July 14th-July 27th

OUTFITTER: Travel coordinated by K2 Adventure Travel

AIRFARE: $2,000-3,000 (estimated cost, purchased by climber)


Climbing Kilimanjaro is a unique way to raise awareness and funds for safe water. This once-in-a-lifetime adventure provides a platform to share about the water crisis with your friends and family, and allows them to join you in providing safe water and improved health in the name of Jesus.


You advocate and fundraise, and Lifewater will sponsor your climb! Be sure to see the fundraising details so you can get your climb sponsored by Lifewater! For Lifewater’s Climb for Safe Water, each climber commits to raising at least $15,000, majority of which will provide safe water, improved health, and hope for people in East Africa and Asia.


We will be traveling the Machame route, which is a trip that takes 7 days start to finish. 

Our hike will be on the Machame trail on Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Tanzania and Africa. At 19,341 feet, this highest freestanding mountain in the world has three distinct volcanic cones, two of which are extinct and one that could erupt again. It lies within the 756-square-kilometer Kilimanjaro National Park, one of the few places on earth that encompasses every ecological life zone—tropical jungle, savannah, desert, montane forests, and alpine zone.

For more complete travel information on the hike and the rest of the trip, download the K2 Travel itinerary.


Travel dates are July 14th to July 27th, with the Kilimanjaro climb beginning on day five of the trip. All climbers will need to arrive in Arusha no later than July 14th.



771 million people globally still lack basic access to safe water. That means it takes them more than 30 minutes to get safe water, sometimes even closer to two hours. Unsafe water and the inaccessibility of basic sanitation have many negative effects on remote communities.

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are drinking unsafe water from hand-dug wells, ponds, swamps, rivers, and springs. Contaminated water causes disease and even death, especially among children. However, this is entirely preventable.

At Lifewater, our staff work alongside villages, visiting every home to ensure that families learn life-saving health practices and working together to engineer custom, long-lasting safe water sources for every community.

Since 2016, Lifewater Kilimanjaro climbers have served thousands of vulnerable people with water, health, and hope through fundraising efforts, and this is going to be our biggest fundraiser yet! 

Your climb can make a positive impact on the global water and sanitation crisis today and for generations to come.



Review Portrait

The best nonprofit I’ve ever worked with. They are so passionate about helping others.

— Matt Jarrell, Kili 2017 and 2019
Review Portrait

“This was a remarkable time. Our group was able to provide a large amount of funds to Lifewater.”

Bill MacGregor, Kili 2018
Review Portrait

“My sister and I loved spending a week in Tanzania on the mountain with Lifewater.”

— Megan WIlson, Kili 2017
Review Portrait

“It was an especially touching experience for myself and all who were involved to get to be a part of such a worthy cause.”

— Luke Smith, Kili 2016
Review Portrait

“It was an incredible experience. I would highly recommend you watch for their future trips. They helped take care of all the logistics so I could focus on raising funds.”

Tony Valente, Kili 2016



I’m worried about the fundraising. Do you offer any assistance?

We have found that including others in your fundraising commitment is a very rewarding and community-building experience, and we encourage you to let others know what you’re doing! Lifewater will help you through the fundraising process and provide a personalized fundraising webpage where you can track online donations and send emails to supporters. In addition, Lifewater will provide climbers with a social media asset package to help further spread the word to those who may be able to help you fundraise. We are also available to provide more ideas and support for fundraising along the way. Ultimately, however, the commitment and responsibility is yours. This commitment helps us plan with confidence for the villages we serve and ensure meaningful engagement from each participant on the expedition.

Health Preparations

What vaccinations or immunizations do I need before entering Tanzania?

You should check with your local travel clinic for the latest recommendations. We highly recommend you are up to date with your Hepatitis A & B, Typhoid, and Tetanus. For current Health information for Travels to Tanzania, visit the Center for Disease Control website.

Is Mt. Kilimanjaro a technical climb?

No technical skills are required, and there is no prior climbing experience needed. However, this is not an average hike and we do recommend training.

Do you provide a training guide?

Lifewater can provide you with a training guide, available through K2 Adventure Travel’s website, available here The guide is meant to help you prepare physically and mentally for the climb. It will not only give you specific workouts and tips but provide information on what to expect when climbing to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Is there an age limit?

We’ve taken participants from 16 -79 years old to the top. If you are traveling alone, you must be 18 years of age. If you are traveling with a parent or guardian, you must be 16 years old.


How much will it cost me?

Climbers will be expected to fundraise a minimum of $15,000 which will result in a Lifewater sponsored trip. Airfare to and from Tanzania is the climber’s responsibility and will not be covered by fundraising. For more information on the climb details, route, incentives, packing list, and next steps, download the information packet.

Safety and Gear

Will I need to carry all my equipment?

K2 Adventure Travel will provide and transport much of the supplies we will need, including tents and cooking supplies. Climbers will only carry their own backpack with items from the packing list.

What equipment/clothing will I need to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro?

While Mt. Kilimanjaro is not a technical climb, you will need good clothing for the climb. You will travel through 5 different climatic zones, from rainforest to glacial tundra, so having the right clothing is paramount. 

For more thorough information about what to pack, please download the packing list.

What safety equipment will be available?

You are in good hands with K2 Travel Adventures should the rare occasion arise that safety devices are needed. All professional guides are English speaking and have Wilderness First Responder certification, as well as all the equipment necessary to respond to your needs.

Route and Timeline

When should I arrive and depart for the climb?

To prepare for your hike, you must arrive in Arusha by July 14th. Timing of your departure and further details can be discussed with your K2 Adventure Travel contact.

Climb and Impact

How far will I climb each day on your recommended route?

On this 7-day hike, you will hike an average of 4-8 hours per day with the summit day being the longest.

Will I get to see the impact of my sponsorship through my climb?

During our trip to Tanzania, we will visit completed Lifewater projects in Shinyanga, Tanzania. These projects and the transformation that has resulted from them were made possible by past gifts from donors.

In addition, Lifewater will follow up with information about the specific region you have helped to serve, including names and stories of families in that region that have benefitted from safe water, thanks to your gifts. You’ll even get to see pictures of a new water source once it is completed!

Can I bring a friend?

We encourage you to recruit others to go on this adventure with you. It will be a shared experience you will never forget.

What languages are spoken in Tanzania?

Tanzania’s official languages are English and Swahili. Through K2, all of your guides will speak English.

Climb Diet

Is the water safe to drink?

You should drink bottled water while in town. While on the mountain, the cook staff at K2 takes careful consideration to purify water each day and provide abundant water for each climber.

If I go with your recommended outfitter, what’s the menu?

We understand that sufficient caloric intake and purified water are essential to keep the body functioning properly high up on the mountain. The menu is specific to the activities of that day and day of trekking ahead. By incorporating the right balance of carbohydrates and proteins, we keep you in top health. There are vegetarian and vegan menus available. We accommodate gluten free and do our best with other special dietary situations.

The following is a sample of our menu items:


  • Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate
  • Toast, Biscuits with Margarine, Jam, Peanut Butter
  • Eggs, meat, sausage
  • Porridge
  • Fresh fruits: Mango, Banana, Avocado, Watermelon, Oranges


  • Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate
  • Chicken or Vegetable Soup
  • Bread, Biscuits or Pancakes with Jam, Peanut Butter
  • Sandwich with Meat or Cheese, Boiled Egg
  • Snack: Peanuts, Popcorn, Cake, Cookies
  • Fresh fruits and Fruit Salad: Tomato, Cucumber, Onion, Carrots


  • Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate
  • Chicken or Vegetable Soup
  • Bread, Biscuits or Pancakes with Jam, Peanut Butter
  • Roasted Chicken, Beef or Fish
  • Potatoes, Rice, Pasta
  • Fresh Vegetables: Carrots, Peas, Tomato, Beans

It’s more than a mountain.

Join us for the expedition of a lifetime.