



Discover why other donors and volunteers like you have partnered with Lifewater to make a lasting difference. Share your own review at




Skylar and Jessica Lewis
November 16, 2018

“I have never seen a non profit that is so sustainable and is making such a big impact. We visited many villages where these people now have clean water, sanitation, bathrooms, hand-washing stations, etc. The most amazing part of it was 95% of the work was done by the people in the villages with the support of Lifewater.
Lifewater facilities the whole process to convert a village into a “healthy village”. Once they have done their part, life water will come and put in a well. Then they train the staff to manage the well. It is a wholistic approach to helping people and not just coming in and dropping off a well, then leaving.
I am very excited to continue our work with Lifewater!”


Steve Hall
Professional with expertise in this field
October 25, 2017

“I highly recommend supporting Lifewater International. They believe that every underserved child and family should have the opportunity to drink safe water and to live free of water-borne diseases, and that anything less is a grave injustice. By supporting the work of Lifewater you can provide more water to vulnerable children and families than you ever thought possible.

As a long time employee of a nonprofit that has collaborated with them on dozens of water and sanitation projects in Ethiopia and Cambodia, I can attest to the dedication and impact of their work. Lifewater International continues to be a valuable partner to us and we hope to continue including them in our program for many years to come!”


Chris & Sarah McCabe
August 31, 2017

“Lifewater. The word speaks literally to life giving water that the folks that Lifewater serves in Africa and Cambodia. But I believe in an even more important “deeper” sense, Lifewater is the thirst quenching water of life from our savior Jesus Christ. Not only does this company provide physical life sustaining water, but also spiritual water by the Churches they plant in each community they serve. My wife and I were fortunate enough to find Lifewater after searching and searching online and through other avenues for an international Christian Based water project. We did a detailed evaluation of the service that is provided and instantly contacted them for more details. Theyre willingness to travel to us and present was amazing.

I could write for hours about them, the service and impact they provide, but just looking at the annual reports and financials, its very evident that they get projects completed and spread the word of Jesus over the world. We have engaged our church to support lifewater and we personally support them as well. Lifewaters’ mission of providing clean water and healthy communities is evident in their work. We love supporting them and look forward to many years of partnership with them.”



Oscar Velasco
February 15, 2018

My experience volunteering with Lifewater International has been inspiring to see the staff being passionate and driven to bring solutions to the world’s biggest problems regarding access to safe and clean water. I have been educated on the sanitation and water crisis around the world and have seen first hand the impact and positive change Lifewater International brings to vulnerable children and women.


Pamela Ashe
November 6, 2018

Lifewater has a very comprehensive, strategic approach of coming alongside the people in the villages (including staff hired from within the country), working WITH them to encourage changes that promote sustainable health, hygiene and sanitation. The men, women and children are proud of their villages and their schools! They welcomed me and the other visitors, happily showing us their accessible clean water, latrines, drying racks, hand washing stations and all they have accomplished with the support of Lifewater. They shared their relief that the women and children are now not spending all day filling and transporting water jugs (from a distant, contaminated water source!) They spoke of their hope for the future because of their improved health, sanitation, and hygiene, and consequently, the opportunity for improved school attendance for their children. Their gratitude and bright smiles were heartwarming! And the hug from a 91 year old woman that almost squeezed the life out of me spoke volumes!
Lifewater International is an amazing Christian, non-profit organization, making a vital difference in the lives of vulnerable people. Supporting Lifewater is truly rewarding!”


Donor and Volunteer
February 15, 2018

Lifewater has exceeded all of my expectations! In the past, I have volunteered for Lifewater and I have been an attendee at an event. Each encounter I have with them, I am so inspired by their passions to serve and help better the world. It is apparent that each member of their team supports and pours their hearts into Lifewater’s mission to end the water and sanitation crisis. Through education, accountability, and acknowledgment of each individual’s role in the community, Lifewater has truly blessed the world with their approach.

My experience as a volunteer was also very meaningful. I was able to engage with the local community, young and old, to educate them about Lifewater’s mission. At our booth, we had a jug in order to bring to life the struggle that exists for people in third world countries to get to a water source. The ability to provide such insight to them was very impactful. On top of that, working with people that want to serve and make a lasting imprint on the world for generations to come is amazing.


Jeff Crider
January 26, 2018

“I got to speak with several Ethiopian residents of these remote communities who told me that the incidence of water-borne diseases in their communities has greatly declined as a result of Lifewater’s efforts, which include hygiene education as it pertains to everything from proper hand washing to dish washing (and having the dishes air dry in direct sunlight) as well as the installation of safe water wells. Lifewater staff has also been working with these communities to raise awareness about the importance of proper sanitation, which evolves everything from the installation of latrines next to homes as well as the installation of corrals to better contain animal waste. I also got to see some of the school latrines, which Lifewater constructed, providing privacy and sanitation, which is important, particularly for young girls, who often stop going to school in their late adolescent or teen years if secure latrines are not available. I left Ethiopia with a great sense of pride in what Lifewater is achieving and the difference the organization and its volunteers are making in people’s lives.


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