
Join me in prayer for child-focused intervention

If you are anything like me, it has been heart wrenching to witness the images of refugees fleeing their homeland to find a better life outside of their war-torn reality. It is especially difficult to see the children in such despair.

I think that children elicit a response for us that is different. Perhaps it is their dependence on caretakers for survival or perhaps it is because children are so very vulnerable to external forces. Regardless of the cause, caring for children has always been close to the heart of God.

In fact, at Lifewater, we’ve made children part of our core values:

Core Value #2: We are Child-Focused: We affirm the original calling given to our Founder, William A. Ashe, who believed that every underserved child and family should have the opportunity to drink safe water and to live free of water-borne diseases, and that anything less is a grave injustice.

It is with all of this in mind, that I ask you to join me today in praying for a very specific child-focused intervention that demands our attention. There is a community that we have been serving in Kenya for a few years now. Our primary intervention has been at the school level – to improve the water and sanitation facilities while teaching behavior change for hygiene practices.

To make a long story short, it turns out that this very under-resourced rural school has a specific classroom for children with special needs – something that I’ve not seen in Africa before – where special needs children are often ostracized. Upon further review, our field staff determined that the water and sanitation situation was exceedingly poor at the homes of these children, some of whom are completely orphaned.

As we undertake a specific intervention to serve these children and their caretakers, would you please join me in praying for them by name?

  • Morris
  • Susan
  • Madrin
  • Nicholas
  • Josheph
  • Dennis
  • Augustine
  • Gace

Would you pray that they would experience the goodness of God in their interaction with our field staff (whom I’m so very proud of) and through the intervention that gives water, health, and hope?

May the God who loves and serves those in the margins of life bless these children, today. Amen.

Glad to serve with you,

Choose a Village. Change a Life.