
Lifewater Summer Newsletter 2022

This summer, we are giving thanks for our partners around the world who are making our vision a reality: safe water, For All. With you, we pursue For All in everything we do.

In this edition, you’ll read about students like Eve, who was close to dropping out of school until the provision of sanitary bathrooms and hygiene education changed the trajectory of her life. Olivia, from Tanzania, has a similar story of renewal. You’ll hear some compelling reasons why we’ve switched to using the language of “safe water” instead of “clean water,” and you’ll get a glimpse into the exciting progress countries are making with WASH promotion and registering Healthy Homes.

Thank you for your faithfulness! You are the reason we can share safe water, sanitation education, and the hope of Jesus with everyone we reach. For All. 

*A few highlights from this year so far: 

  • 3,462 Healthy Homes
  • 84 water sources completed
  • 22,978 Vision of a Healthy Village Graduates**

*January – May 2022
** Vision of a Healthy Village (VHV) Graduates live in a village with a safe water source and Healthy Homes. With each home adopting life-changing WASH habits and safe water close by, VHV graduates are empowered to make a way out of poverty.

Choose a Village. Change a Life.